Day of the Dead…Literally!


Yunuen and I came down to Mexico this afternoon, primarily as we were selling her Beetle, which I was quite excited about! We were also excited because our Passat has finished its time in the shop as we replaced all of the intake valves which was no small job. As we returned to her parents house from the shop, we intended to wash the car, but that was cut short when a car up the street chose to evade a military checkpoint (these checkpoints  are everywhere) and was pursued by the local policia. That’s when we heard the first shots about a 100 feet up the street before a rush of automatic fire. We all jumped for cover under a vehicle while the shooting continued. We ran for cover for her parent’s house and then huddled on the floor as military, police, and federal officers surrounded the house. The shooting continued for what seemed to be about 10-15 minutes longer. When we thought it was safe enough to venture outside, we found a SWAT team on top of Yun’s parent’s house and more SWAT in the backyard. At this point, we weren’t sure where we were supposed to go, but there were men everywhere with automatic rifles (taped banana clips) drawn.

As we understand now, six members of a drug cartel were gunned down just up the street. When they were fleeing in the car, they took refuge in a house a few houses away. When the police made their way into the house they found they were missing one of the men and thus the pursuit through the neighborhood. Yun’s parents have a small house in their backyard which they believed the gunman might have attempted to hide in. Tila and Scout are with us and needless to say they were going crazy.

I am going to attempt to attach some video.

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0 Responses to Day of the Dead…Literally!

  1. VIviane Adams says:

    OMG… That’s crazy!

  2. Dana says:

    Thank God you guys are ok! Every morning I check the local news for Tucson and have been seeing all these stories on what is going on in Nogales. I always think of Yunuen’s parents and you guys. Be careful!!!

  3. Betsy says:

    I’m so grateful you guys were not hurt! That is really scary stuff!

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