Slaughter at Catan


On Thursday we were invited over to Bob and Beth Miner’s house for dinner and games. The food was muy buena! After dinner we decided to play a round of Settlers – a game which I am always sacrificially willing to give free lessons.


It was readily apparent that Ben had the most to learn from my skills and although I tried to instruct him the fundamentals of Settlers’ Theory, he struggled brutally for most of the game.

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8 Responses to Slaughter at Catan

  1. Please Ryan, I am begging you for free lessons on Settlers of Catan.Tell you what if you agree to help me I will let you win the first game…..

  2. Matt says:

    Obviously you are not requested for spades lessons since your more than 500 point shellacking in June!

  3. After I am done with him they wont be requesting Settlers lesson either. 😉

  4. Dana says:

    Since I know what you say about our Spades games I can deduce from your post that Ben actually won and you lost, horribly! Oh, I know you all too well!

  5. Ryan says:

    First of all Dana – I think you have beaten me at Spades once. Matt’s allusion to some 500+ defeat was clearly hyperbole. I think it was more like 50 points and if I recall, I was exploring unchartered Nil Theory which you all eventually benefited from.

  6. Jeff says:

    So I got to look online to day and was glad to see no posts titled “Walcott destroys couch” or “Death of a Dog” Hopefully things are going as well as the blog portrays them. See you tomorrow night around midnight, I’ll call you when we get to LA. Say hey to Liam and bye to Michael for us.

  7. Ryan says:

    He’s actually doing ok. Scout and Tila have both taken their turns attacking him, but they seem to have finally given in to his endless attempts to get them to play. Today they chased each other around the yard for a long time – which is nice, because they all get exercise and we don’t have to do much (although Yun takes them all for walks each day too).

  8. Yunuen says:

    On Ben’s defense, his defeat had a lot to do with my decision to place the robber in his territory, anyways, losing was more fun than anything else!

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