

We finally closed on our new house on Friday. So Saturday morning we woke early to head over and start some work. Fortunately the new house is only about 5 minutes from where we live now. I’ve mapped out a rough plan as to the steps I’d like to take to restore the house. The first steps are to cover all the windows and to begin tearing down walls in the main house – and this is what we did.

I only had time to take down one wall – the one that separates one of the bedrooms from the master bedroom. I haven’t removed any of the framing yet as I’d like some second opinions on which are the load bearing walls. I’ve found that removing the walls is much easier than I had anticipated. I suspect rebuilding them will be a different story.

I am hoping I can save the old framing wood to use in the new walls and save a bit in material costs. Most of it appears to be in good shape.

It felt really good to begin the restoration process. There is an incredible amount of it to do!

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2 Responses to deconstruction!

  1. Matt says:

    “Restoring” would suggest that you are returing it to its former glory. That picture looks more like demolition! SWEEEEET!

  2. dad says:

    how about more pictures during the project

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