Pine Club!

   A promotional opportunity has arisen at work which is exciting and concerning at the same time. Concerning because I am not sure how it will compare to my present position (which I enjoy a great deal). Exciting, because it provides for a regular schedule (Monday-Friday with all weekends off) and has various vacation requests negotiated into the offer. One of which occurs at the end of May where we are headed off to San Carlos with Jeff, Beth, Luke, Maryanne, Ben, and Lis (and possibly Liam, but we’re not holding our breath). The water temperature will be ok (high 70s to low 80s), but not as nice as July and August when it will be in the 90s! It should still be sufficient for snorkeling and possibly scuba. We found a nice O’neil shorty for Yunuen last night which will be excellent for this trip (and in particularly should she ever become certified for diving). The exposure suits are ideal for San Carlos due to the frequent schools of jelly fish that happen to make an appearance every time we go there (but usually only one of the days for some reason).

The other trip I got was for a couple weeks a week after we get back from San Carlos – woohoo! We’re still in the exploratory stages, but we’ve already bought our tickets to Dublin to meet up with Matt and Dana. Matt found this really nice villa (see satellite photo below) for us to stay at where we would have our own house with a pool! If that’s not within our budget – there are plenty of other exciting options.  

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The backyard continues to make progress this year. We have 11 bougainvilleas and 11 gardenias slowly getting rooted along the east and west walls. I planted 2 new bower vines and 4 jasmine vines which are all doing quite nicely already (and all blossoming!). Between the vines I planted some Mexican petunia bushes and a really pleasantly fragrant sage bush. Likewise my tomatos, cucumbers, and bell peppers are doing really well. Hopefully that doesn’t change any time soon. The appricot tree has about 15 appricots growing at present and the orange tree actually looks like its making a recovery!

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0 Responses to Pine Club!

  1. Lis says:

    Good to hear about your promotional opportunity. I dream about working in a normal schedule and having Saturdays off!
    Anyways…I think would be very nice of you take all your friends from the “tequila trip” to Dublin, including the strange one.(LOL)
    I will not reject your comments again,ok?
    Hasta la vista!

  2. Matt says:

    Is there a down side to this promotion? Sounds like you’ll be the boss soon. May be Geico needs to go international…say, Dublin?

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