desert run!

About a month or so ago we were given Abraham’s dog Tila to watch for a couple weeks. Tila is a brown husky who exhibits a personality mostly opposite of Scouts. She is extremely affectionate, but also stubborn and much more vocal. After those two weeks it was decided that Tila might be a better fit to stay with us so she moved in permanently. She has proven to be a great match for Scout. They spend all day playing with each other in the backyard and now we have twice as many holes that are twice as deep! You would think our hard soil would be a deterrent, but apparently not. Scout has picked up some good habits though from his new friend and one in which we particularly appreciate is his learning how to bark. They are not excessive barkers but do put us on notice when someone is near the house. Tila is a great dog and she’s a great addition to our house. She clearly prefers Yunuen to me (because I discipline her for which she’s very deliberate in showing me her resentment), but that’s ok because I am obviously Scout’s favorite human.

Occasionally we take them out to the desert so as to be able to have them chase my truck for long distances. Scout is very impressive with how fast and long he can sprint. Tila is much slower, but she tries and in time I suspect she’ll be able to keep up.


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0 Responses to desert run!

  1. Yunuen says:

    So, who gets to drink most of the water?? Alpha Tila!

  2. VIviane Adams says:

    Love the soundtrack!!!

  3. VIviane Adams says:

    Sorry…. I had another blog opened and thought that your video was the one playing music…. my mistake!

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