Spanish Lessons: April 29, 2014

Spanish has so many exceptions to its rules it’s ridiculous. Today I am learning imperative construction. And like the endless list of irregular verbs (some of which follow some form of pattern), there is also a long list of irregular imperatives. That’s fun.

Here are some that I covered today:

Second person singular informal:
Hacer = haz (do)
Ir = ve (go)
Ser = se (be feliz)
Decir = di (say!)
Poner = pon (put)
Salir = sal (go), example: sal afuera / go outside
Tener = ten (have), example: ten mi lapiz / have my pencil
Venir = ven (come), example: ven aqui / come here

And of course that irregular form is only for the second person singular (informal) form. Here’s the same for the second person formal (usted), first plural (nosotros), and second person singular (ustedes) for the same verbs.

Second person singular formal (usted) form:
Hacer = haga (do)
Ir = vaya (go)
Ser = seya (be feliz)
Decir = diga (say!)
Poner = ponga (put)
Salir = salga (go), example: sal afuera / go outside
Tener = tenga (have), example: ten mi lapiz / have my pencil
Venir = venga (come), example: ven aqui / come here

First person plural (nosotros) form:
Hacer = hagamos (let’s do)
Ir = vayamos (let’s go) vayamos a la playa! / let’s go to the beach!
Ser = seyamos (let’s be): example, seya feliz / let’s be happy
Decir = digamos (let’s say!): example, digamos la verdad / let’s say the truth
Poner = pongamos (let’s put): example, pongamos la mesa / let’s set the table
Salir = salgamos (let’s go), example: salgamos afuera / let’s go outside
Tener = tengamos (let’s have), example: tengamos una platica / let’s have a conversation
Venir = vengamos (let’s come)

Second person plural (ustedes) form:
Hacer = hagan(do)
Ir = vayan (go)
Ser = seyan (be feliz)
Decir = digan (say!)
Poner = pongan (put)
Salir = salgan (go), example: salgan afuera / go outside
Tener = tengan (have), example: tengan mi lapiz / have my pencil
Venir = vengan (come), example: vengan aqui / come here

We covered some regular verbs (some of which have irregular imperative construction) and I was given something to read which included imperatives. My reading skills are still horrific.

My homework assignment is to make imperatives from a list of verbs my maestra will be sending me tonight. Good times.

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