John 11 Study: August 5, 2014

RC Sproul: The Raising of Lazarus (31:36)

Mary says the same thing as Martha, “Lord if you had been here”. This could have been an accusation or a confession. But if an accusation, she is not rebuked (nor was Martha).

We want God to do want we want NOW, not later. Christ is never too late. Not for Mary, not for Martha, not for Lazarus, and not for you.

Jesus is troubled. It’s a poor translation. It should be translated Jesus was irrate. Some commentators conclude that Jesus is fed up with the lack of faith on the part of the people and with the sisters. Didn’t he just tell Martha he was the resurrection? So why is she crying? What do I have to do convince you people?

I think that which would cause the anger of the Son of God to boil up and overflow in his spirit was that he was in the presence of the ravaging destruction of the greatest enemy to mankind: death. This was his enemy. This was the enemy that only in a few days forward he was going to confront head on in the throws he would experience on the cross. Dying that death to conquer death. Jesus entered into the affliction of his people so deeply that he was moved in himself at the travesty of death.

Believing in God is easy, it’s believing God that is the test of the Christian life.

And here we see a friend of Jesus forgetting in an instance the promise of Christ and he has to remind her. Didn’t I say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God.

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