Anniversary number 12

Yun and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary a couple weekends back. We were looking for a ranch somewhere within an hour or so of town and settled on a place called Econatura. Not the most affordable place, but it turned out to be a really great option. Also it was only about 40 minutes from the house. 

Since it was a Sunday evening most of the resort was entirely vacant which left the place nearly entirely to ourselves. Sunday night the staff prepared a fire for us outside of our Cabanya and brought us marshmallows to roast and pina coladas to drink.

Monday morning we awoke around 8 to go and learn how to milk cows. That was certainly a unique experience. Probably not one I’ll want to repeat, but in the event of an emergency I now know how to milk a cow. 

On Sunday evening I thought it would be a neat idea to make an audio recording of ourselves asking each other various questions related to the last 14 years together and what we think than future might hold. Recording is a little over an hour long and I need to put it somewhere so that in five to 10 years I’ll be able to find it and we can listen to it together.

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