so many surgeries

Yun had her surgery a couple weeks ago in Guadalajara. It was a tense moment, because she was away in surgery nearly 10 hours (we were told it would be about 4 hours). It turned out to be really complicated. She has an excess of endometrial tissue causing all sort of havoc to her organs. As such, three surgeons spent an entire day doing all sort of reconstruction. It was no small miracle and we are so grateful for modern medical technology. She spent the last couple weeks recovering from a fairly traumatic situation and had done a great job.

Last week, a complication arose which was serious enough for us to catch the next flight from Hermosillo to Guadalajara. I was in Tucson and raced to meet Yun in Nogales. This was devastating news because it has been incredibly difficult for her. But there was no choice. So we caught the next flight.

Despite the misery of a fourth surgery, Yun did great and is trying to hard to be positive. She will get out of the hospital on the third day and then we will continue in GDL for another week or so. These are trying times.

On a positive note, the staff and surgeons here are without comparison. They are incredibly kind and we are so happy to be here. We get multiple visits from each of the three surgeons daily and they usually end up spending an hour plus in the room just answering questions and being social. It’s a really nice thing for them to do and Yun loves that they are so caring.

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